Then in the resulting dialog, click the View tab. If you still cannot see the 'hosts' file, click 'Options' on the View tab of Windows File Explorer. On the View tab of Windows File Explorer, check the box 'Hidden Items'. And make sure you are an Administrator.Ģ.4: Can't see the file 'hosts' in the folder? To find out if that is the case, please t ype 'Notepad' in the Windows search field.Ģ.2: Right-click on the 'Notepad' entry and select ' Run as administrator':Ģ.3: Then open the ' hosts' file from C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ (not 'hosts.ics'), remove all lines that contain the word 'lumion' and save the 'hosts' file again.ĭo not save it with a file extension, for example hosts.txt. Note: If the issue is that Lumion is unable to connect to its servers then these steps in B: are a requirement.Ģ.1: If the problem persists, something on your PC might be blocking access via the 'hosts' file. Knowledge Base: Which domains and ports does Lumion need access to?. If you need help with this step, please contact the manufacturer for help with your firewall software.ġ.2: Ensure to add an exclusion for Lumion.exe in Windows Defender Firewall.ġ.3: If you can't add an exclusion for Lumion, please make sure that Lumion is allowed to access the following domains and ports in any third-party firewall and security software you are using: Where is the name of your Windows login account\profile.ġ.1: Please add an exclusion for Lumion.exe in all third-party firewalls. Also found at C:\Users\\Documents\Lumion.
ġ.3.2: The Lumion.exe file in the install folder as in 1.3.1 above.ġ.3.3: The folder and subfolders for user data in Documents.
Knowledge Base: How do you add an exclusion for Lumion in Windows Defender and Windows Firewall?ġ.3.1: The installation folder - usually Program Files\Lumion.If you need help with this step, please contact the manufacturers' website for help with your antivirus/security software.ġ.2: Ensure to add exclusions (see section 1.3 below) in Windows Defender Antivirus: If you have successfully installed Lumion: A: Exclusions to antivirus and security softwareġ.1: Please add exclusions (see section 1.3 below) to all of the PCs antivirus and security software.